Series: Acts - Part 22

After crossing the boundary between Jews and Samaritans, Philip crossed other boundaries in his interactions with an Ethiopian eunuch - the gospel was for Africans too! The Ethiopian eunuch had come to Jerusalem to worship and was reading the prophet Isaiah. Philip explained that Isaiah's prophecy was about Christ. The eunuch was moved to faith and then immediately baptized. Philip and the eunuch met in Christ equitably, despite cultural or racial differences, because the ground is level at the foot of the cross. People who serve Yahweh are not uniform, but they are a family.



2023 Israel Tour Information

Event Date: 27 May 2023

If you've never been to the Holy Land, it is the experience of a lifetime you won't want to miss. Make plans to join Steven Ger as he hosts tours to Israel in 2023. Be sure to check back often as we will post the most recent information here. NOTE...

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