Series: John - Part 61

This week Steven Ger examines the third time Yeshua, the resurrected Christ, appeared to His disciples in the Gospel of John. (The resurrection is essential - it shows Yeshua was who He said He was.) The disciples had been fishing all night, but caught nothing. The next morning Yeshua performed a miracle. He told them to cast their net on the right side of the boat, and they caught 153 fish. John wrote these things so that we, today, can believe in Yeshua.



2023 Israel Tour Information

Event Date: 27 May 2023

If you've never been to the Holy Land, it is the experience of a lifetime you won't want to miss. Make plans to join Steven Ger as he hosts tours to Israel in 2023. Be sure to check back often as we will post the most recent information here. NOTE...

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