Jew's Views

Posts by Steven Ger

2014 Year End Review

Steven Ger 15 January 2015

Shalom! Year end is an ideal time to reflect on the reason this Jewish ministry exists. Our purpose is to change lives through exploring the Jewish Heart of Christianity. Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, is the very heart of our faith! Our mission is to present our Lord and His messianic purpose for both Jews an...

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2018: A Year in Review

19 December 2018

This year marked Sojourner Ministries’ 20th Anniversary! And what a celebratory year it was! Thank you for your support, continued commitment, love, friendship and prayers. Through your participation, Jewish people are challenged by the gospel, believers are tra...

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Christ in Colossians Part I

Steven Ger 01 February 2015

As the director of Sojourner Ministries and Senior Pastor of Beth Sar Shalom, I get a host of phone calls and a volume of email each week from people who have questions about the Bible, Jewish customs, theology, prophecy, Israel, etc. In answering these questions I have noticed that an alarmingly high numb...

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Day of Atonement: Messiah is Perfect High Priest and Sacrifice

Day of Atonement: Messiah is Perfect High Priest and Sacrifice

Steven Ger 10 September 2019

Israel's three Fall Festivals—Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles—are grouped together within a three-week window. They afford us an annual opportunity to see a three-dimensional portrait of our messiah, Jesus, as we peer through that window and see Him through Jewish eyes. There are three key reasons for every...

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Embracing the Jewishness in Your Congregation

Steven Ger 05 April 2017

A Jewish person’s Jewishness is, by definition, conferred by circumstance of birth. For most Jewish believers, to ignore this God-given distinction is to disparage the rich heritage God has bestowed on us to share with the world. While the church consists of believing Jew and Gentile together in a new c...

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Is Exodus: Gods and Kings Spectacular or Spectacularly Awful?

Steven Ger 01 November 2014

Will viewers be inspired – to leave the theater? Should there be an eleventh commandment – Thou shalt not pay good $$ to see this film? Is this film the eleventh plague? Will this reviewer say, “Let my people go… to The Hobbit instead?” Read on to find out! For two decades, not a week has gone by...

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Jeremiah: Weeping for the Disobedient, Part 1

Steven Ger 09 February 2015

I strongly believe that one of the Biblical areas most churches tend to neglect is the writings of the great prophets of Israel. When one contemplates that the prophets comprise over twenty percent of Old and New Testaments combined, it can be seen as a rather large omission on the part of our pastors and ...

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Jeremiah: Weeping for the Disobedient, Part 2

Steven Ger 20 February 2015

Welcome to the second installment of our overview of Jeremiah's message. Last time we introduced the prophet himself and the background of his ministry and message. We learned that Jeremiah is one of the most autobiographical books in the entire Bible, and that his name means both "the Lord exalts" and "t...

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Jeremiah: Weeping for the Disobedient, Part 3

Steven Ger 18 May 2015

Welcome to the third installment of our study of the dynamic message of the prophet Jeremiah. We have previously established the uniquely autobiographical tone of the book, concerning the one whose name means both "the Lord exalts" and "the Lord throws down". We have confirmed that Lord's message through hi...

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Messiah According to Isaiah Part 1

Steven Ger 28 June 2015

Due to the overwhelmingly favorable response we received on the last series in this column on the prophet Jeremiah, it seems appropriate to once again delve into the vast theological wealth of the prophets. We now begin a series based on the writings of the "prince of prophets", Isaiah; specifically what we...

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Messiah According to Isaiah Part 2

Steven Ger 11 August 2015

We return our attention to the prophet Isaiah for a second helping of his timeless message regarding our Messiah. In chapter 9 the prophet builds upon chapter 7’s intriguing revelation that the Messiah will be born of a virgin and given the designation, “God with us.” In an extraordinary...

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Messiah is Our Atonement

Steven Ger 04 October 2016

The Day of Atonement, in Hebrew, Yom Kippur, reveals critical aspects of the Messiah’s role. This Holy Day illuminates Jesus’ mission as a satisfactory sacrifice to remove sin and illustrates His resurrection ministry as our great High Priest. The Biblical term, Yom Kippurim, can be translated, The Day o...

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Micah 4

Steven Ger 01 July 2014

Micah 4:1 (as well as its almost verbatim parallel in Isaiah 2:2-4) is a classic example of a prophecy of the future reign of the coming Messiah. It describes an era when the nation of Israel will be supremely elevated on the international stage regarding both its spiritual prestige and geopolitical circums...

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The Feast of Tabernacles: The Messiah as God in Residence

The Feast of Tabernacles: The Messiah as God in Residence

Steven Ger 10 September 2019

Israel's three Fall Festivals—Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles—are grouped together within a three-week window. They afford us an annual opportunity to see a three-dimensional portrait of our messiah, Jesus, as we peer through that window and see Him through Jewish eyes. There are three key reasons for ever...

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The Feast of Trumpets: Messiah as God's Obedient Son

The Feast of Trumpets: Messiah as God's Obedient Son

Steven Ger 15 September 2019

Israel's three Fall Festivals—Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles—are grouped together within a three-week window. They afford us an annual opportunity to see a three-dimensional portrait of our messiah, Jesus, as we peer through that window and see Him through Jewish eyes. Th...

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The Indwelling Torah: Exploring the Jewish Heart of Pentecost

Steven Ger 30 May 2017

The Feast of Shavuot, or Pentecost, will be celebrated in 2020 on the last Sunday in May. It marks both the anniversary of the giving of the Law to the Jewish nation and the giving of the Spirit to the Jewish believers; a celebration of both the theophany at Mount Sinai and of the indwelling at Mount Moriah. Y...

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The Remnant of Israel in the Church Age: Theological and Practical Considerations for the Church

Steven Ger 29 March 2017

Although one is hard-pressed to even find the word “remnant” in the index of many fine theologies, of dispensational orientation or otherwise, the theology of remnant is crucial to a proper understanding of the relationship between Jewish and Gentile believers. The concept of remnant is studded throughout th...

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The Undying Flame: A Portrait of Christ in Hanukkah

Steven Ger 05 November 2014

Each year as winter approaches and we prepare to celebrate the birth of the King of the Jews, we often remain oblivious to the companion holiday of the season, Hanukkah. Although overshadowed by Christmas, The Festival of Lights graphically illuminates the Messiah’s life and ministry. Hanukkah...

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Tired of listening to the same old thing?

Steven Ger 17 October 2014

Are you searching for something new to listen to? Check out Steven Ger in his latest broadcast series entitled "Prophecy in the Writings" here.

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Zechariah: Minor Prophet with a Major Message

Steven Ger 28 March 2017

“Thus says the LORD: I will return to Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem” Purpose Statement Zechariah relays God’s word to encourage the returned Jewish exiles to take heart amidst uncertain circumstances and finish rebuilding the Temple, because the Lord plans to ...

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