
Series: John - Part 59

Steven Ger examines Yeshua’s resurrection and the first witness of that resurrection. Yeshua w...


Series: John - Part 58

Steven Ger examines the execution and burial of Yeshua and how they were accomplished in relat...


Series: John - Part 56

This week Steven Ger continues with the account of Yeshua's arrest and trial. When Pilate offe...


Series: John - Part 55

Steven Ger explores Yeshua's audience before Pilate. Pilate asked Yeshua "What is truth?" Yesh...


Series: John - Part 54

In this video Steven Ger takes a short detour from the Jewish Journey Through the Gospel of Jo...


Series: John - Part 53

Steven Ger examines Yeshua's hearing with the High Priest and comes to Peter denying he knew Y...


Series: John - Part 52

Part 52 of Steven Ger's "A Jewish Journey Through the Gospel of John", continues to take you t...


Series: John - Part 51

Part 51 of Steven Ger's "A Jewish Journey Through the Gospel of John", continues taking you th...


Series: John - Part 50

Steven Ger examines Yeshua's prayer in John 17:1-26. With this prayer, Yeshua passed o...


Series: Exodus - Part 30

Our time in the book of Exodus comes to a close as Steven examines the climax of the book of E...


Series: Exodus - Part 29

Moses is disgusted by the people’s unfaithfulness to God, yet asks for a sign that God is with...


Series: John - Part 49

Part 49 of Steven Ger's "A Jewish Journey Through the Gospel of John."


Series: John - Part 48

Part 48 of Steven Ger's "A Jewish Journey Through the Gospel of John", continues to take you t...


Series: John - Part 47

Part 47 of Steven Ger's "A Jewish Journey Through the Gospel of John."


Series: John - Part 46

Part 46 of Steven Ger's "A Jewish Journey Through the Gospel of John."


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